Role of women

Besides the extend of haggling prices, the role of woman in Egypt is quite different as it is in for example Western Countries. In this country the male population plays a far more dominant role than the female population does. In business the higher positions are allocated to male only. Because of the dominant role of male, it is not appropriate for woman to show their own point of view openly. This means that when they do not agree with their husband or other man, they should never make this clear by saying this openly, because this would be seen as letting down the other person. This cultural aspect leads to the fact that woman in Egypt are less assertive and more docile as the woman in for example Western European countries.

As shown in the storyboard this cultural difference between Egypt and for example the Netherlands can be seen very clear, when placing a Dutch couple in a Egyptian store to buy some souvenirs. As in the Netherlands man and woman are seen as equal, the Dutch couple will deliberate for knowing both opinions before buying something. For an Egyptian this seems very strange, as he is used to the fact that the man normally decides on his own what to do. Dutch woman are also quite assertive which means that they will take a part in the discussion or negotiation. This is difficult for an Egyptian to understand and his contra reaction normally will be neglecting the lady to let her know she is not a dignified interlocutor for him and that she is taking part in business which she is not asked for by himself. However, as assertive as she is, the Dutch woman will feel herself quite offended by this neglecting behaviour, as contra reaction she mostly will chose to become even more assertive, which will lead to the fact the Egyptian man only get more annoyed by her.