Comparison Dutch and Egyptian culture by cultural dimensions of Hofstede.

A way to compare the Dutch and Egyptian culture is using the cultural dimensions of Hofstede. For a comparison of these two countries (Egyptian is part of the Arab world) we refer the graph and table below.

Graph 2: Comparison cultural dimensions Netherlands and Arab World.

Table 1: Scores cultural dimensions Netherlands and Egypt

When looking at graph 1 and table 1 we see big differences in the scores between these two countries. Large power distance (80) and uncertainty avoidance (68) are the main characteristics for Egypt (Arabian World). This is an indication that it is expected and accepted that leaders in this country separate themselves from the group and issue complete and specific directives. When these two dimensions are combined, it creates a situation where leaders have very high power and authority in order to enlarge their control. In these societies we often see high-orientation on rules, regulations and laws, this in order to reduce the amount of uncertainty. However, inequality of power and wealth are allowed to increase within these societies, mostly this is rather accepted in these countries by the society and their cultural heritage. This contrary to the Netherlands where the power distance and uncertainty avoidance are very low.

Another big difference between the countries is the fact that the Netherlands score high on individualism where as Egypt turns out to be a country that scores very high on collectivism. This means that Egyptian people have the tendency to belong to groups and look after each other in exchange for loyalty whereas in the Netherlands people have the tendency to look after themselves and their immediate family only.